LIFE IN 5th Grade

Well life is pretty good for me in the 5th grade. I think last year was a stretch for everybody. This year is a lot better. Finally the kids that were miss behaving grew up! Mr. Mac is really funny. Mrs. Mcfall’s class is really interesting, if you don’t go here she teaches History. I really like my two math teachers Mrs. Brantley and Mrs. Ummle. Mrs. Ummle teaches math and L.A. language arts. Not a whole lot a homework in the fifth grade. The classes are pretty easy for the most part. Oh yeah I forgot do you remember Mr. Mac he teaches sciences. As you might can tell life is pretty good for me in the fifth grade. Well that is all I got so far. I’ll tell you more later in the year. PS if your in the fourth grade and reading this look forward to the fifth grade.

9-11 Reflection

From talking and listening to other people who had experienced that day well lets just say it was harsh. Still to this day when people even talk about it or teachers try to teach it usually brings a tear to their eye. It must have been a horrific day for the family’s and their husbands, brothers and fathers. For the people that were just watching it on the  live news… I think it was very jaw dropping. I think it was just  a terrible day for everyone . I bet it took New York a long time to recover. I think it was a sad day and still is a terrible day for everyone,and that is my opinion on 9-11.